Gauteng Department of Education
At Public Special Schools
Published on: 30 May 2022
Closing Date: 10 June 2022
1.1 The vacancies advertised in this Vacancy Circular are because of attrition and promotions in Public Special Schools.
1.2 Approval to advertise and fill these vacant posts has been granted by the HOD.
1.3 All the processes outlined in the Vacancy Circular must be observed in line with COVID -19 protocols relating to regular sanitising / washing of hands with soap and water, wearing of masks and social distancing. - LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK
2.1 These vacant posts are advertised in terms of:
2.1.1 The Public Service Act No. 103 of 1994, as amended
2.1.2 Public Service Regulation, 2001 as amended, Chapter 1 Part VII D.
2.1.3 CORE (Code of Remuneration)
2.1.4 Relevant GDE Circulars
2.1.5 Employment Equity Plan: Circular 9/2020
2.1.6 Regulation 44 – Section 126 of the Children’s Act 38 of 20052.1.7 Section 44
of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No. 32 of 2007) - FILLING OF VACANCIES IN 2022
3.1 Filling of posts will be based on the approved PS Post Establishment for Public Special Schools. - ADVERTISEMENT AND APPOINTMENT PRINCIPLES
4.1 These vacant posts are advertised in terms of (PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2007) as well as Chapter IV, Section 10 of the Public Service Act, 1994 as amended, and, Chapter
1 Part VII of the Public Service Regulations, 2001 as amended.
4.2 The Department reserves the right not to fill vacant posts advertised in this list of vacancies should schools not have such vacant posts available on the post establishment for Special Schools and Schools of Focused Learning, or if information was submitted, omitted or published erroneously.
4.3 In advertising and filling of these vacant posts the Department will be guided by policy guidelines, viz:
• Employment Equity measures for designated groups, namely Black people (which include Indians, Coloureds and Africans), women and people with disabilities; and
• Representivity.
4.4 Correspondence will be limited to successful candidates only. If you have not been
contacted within 3 months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept
that your application was unsuccessful and are hereby thanked for applying.
The preferred date of assumption of duty is 01 October 2022, unless another date of assumption of duty is mutually agreed upon by all relevant parties.
Hand delivered applications will be received until Friday, 10 June 2022 at 16:00. No hand delivered applications will be received after the aforementioned date and time.
Posted applications will only be accepted if they reach the District Office by Wednesday 15 June 2022 (NO EXCEPTION), and the postal mark indicates that the application was posted on or before the closing date of 10 June 2022.
5.3.1. Application Form
▪ Complete and submit separate NEW FORM (Z83) in respect of each post applied for. Failure to use the new form will result in disqualification. This FORM is obtainable from any Public Service Department.
▪ Take note of the following with regards to the new Z83 Form (DPSA Circular 19 of 2022):
o Part A: all fields must be completed in full
o Part B: all fields must be completed in full except when:
- Passport number: South African applicants need not provide
- It is acceptable to respond with a “Not applicable” or leave blank for the question “Are you conducting business with the State or are you a Director of a Public or Private company conducting business with the State?” in the event that you are employed in the public service, will you immediately relinquish such business interests?” o “if your profession or occupation requires official registration, provide date and particulars of registration” – Some applicants may not be in possession of such therefore it is acceptable if left blank or if not applicable is indicated.Part
C: All fields must be completed
o Part D: All fields must be completed
o Part E, F & G: Noting that there is limited space “refer to CV or see attached” is acceptable as long as it provides the required information”. If the information is not provided in the CV, the applicant may be disqualified. The questions related to condition that prevent re-appointment under Part F must be answered.
▪ A unique post number shall be allocated to all advertised post. The post number shall begin with the abbreviation for the relevant district and contains a unique number e.g., EN22PS1001
▪ The unique number shall always be 10 characters and must be completed in full.
▪ Please ensure that the signature on the application form is original – photocopied signatures will be disqualified, and all pages must be initialled, noting the importance of the declaration.
▪ No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted.
▪ NB! GDE cannot be held liable or responsible for incomplete/incorrect applications and/or applications which are sent to the wrong address (e.g., the incorrect district office) and/or reach their destination after the closing date.
5.3.2 Certification of Documents:
▪ Reference is made to the DPSA Circular No. 5 of 2021
▪ Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualification and other relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
▪ The shortlisted candidate must bring along certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on the day of the interview
▪ Please ensure that the application form has the original signature of the applicant – photocopies of signatures will not be accepted.
▪ Certified salary advice slips must be included by applicants from other provinces or departments to enable GDE to determine the correct salary notch in the event of an appointment.
5.3.3 TWO methods of submission of applications:
Relevant District Office
Refer to Annexure C for the physical address
Relevant District Office
Refer to Annexure C for the postal address - No application forms submitted to schools OR to Registry Office OR Department of Finance (GDF) and its nodal points will be accepted.
APPLICATIONS : Submitted via post to: Private Bag X895, Pretoria, 0001 or hand-deliver to: The Department of Basic Education, 222 Struben Street, Pretoria. Please visit the Department of Education’s website at www.education.gov.za or the Department of Public Service and Administration vacancy circulars at www.dpsa.gov.za
FOR ATTENTION : Ms M Mahape/Ms N Sathege
Education Advertised Vacancy Circular 04 Cover Page – May 2022
Gauteng Department of Education Advertised Vacancy Circular 04 of 2022 PS School Based Posts
Gauteng Department of Education