Directorate: Logistics (Cleaning)
SALARY : R104 073 per annum (Level 02), plus benefits
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Adult education and training (AET/ABET) Level 3 or equivalent (Grade 7).
Skills/Knowledge/Competence: Basic understanding of Policies (Batho Pele Principles, Patients Right Charter, Occupational Health and Safety, Six Priorities and National Core Standards. Excellent interpersonal and organizational skill. Good written and verbal communication skills. Ability to liaise with internal and external stakeholders. Ability to work independently and in a team. Ability to communicate well with people at different levels. Ability to organize and plan. Ability to act with tact and discretion. Must be self motivated. Ability to handle tasks of multidisciplinary nature. Knowledge of Labour Relations processes, High level of reliability. Good customer skills and competencies. Ability to handle information confidentially. Must be able to work under pressure and to take initiative. Be prepared to rotate within the scope of work. Must be prepared to work shifts which includes, fixed, after hours, night duty, weekends, and public holidays. Experience in cleaning will be an added advantage. Applicants. Applicant should be prepared to undergo medical surveillance as an inherent job requirement.
DUTIES : Cleaning of floors (sweep, mop and buffing with cleaning machine). Cleaning of walls, windows, doors, window frames, bathrooms, toilets, dusting etc. cleaning corridors, public toilets, offices, clinics, entrances, stairs, fire escapes, lifts, passages, waiting areas and carpets. Clean body fluids (urine, blood & faeces) and vomit. Removal of general and medical waste. Cleaning bins and flattening of cardboard boxes. Adhere to the Healthcare waste management policy and infection control prescripts. Operate heavy duty cleaning machines.
Provide a clean and hygienic environment. Clean outside (surrounding outside the door of the Ward) by sweeping, picking up papers, cigarette stumps and other objects daily. Report broken cleaning machines and equipment to Supervisor. Cleaning of equipment and machines daily after use and store it in a safe secured and lockable area. Wear protective clothing (gloves, mask, goggles and disposal apron) at all times. Completion of daily work activities on cleaning check lists for toilets and Wards/Departments. Comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Perform other duties as allocated by the supervisor. Be willing to undergo continuous training and development programs. Attend meetings and training as approved by supervisor. Comply with the Performance Management and Development System (Contracting, quarterly reviews and final assessment).
ENQUIRIES : Ms J van Rensburg Tel No: 011 933 8756
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital).
According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae only. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted).
The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 11 November 2022