• Western Cape Region: Allandale (Obiqua) (Ref: WC 2022/08/136), Brandvlei (Medium) (Ref: WC 2022/08/137), Overberg (Medium) (Ref: WC 2022/08/138), Overberg (Maximum) (Ref: WC 2022/08/139), Overberg (Swellendam) (Ref: WC 2022/08/140), Voorberg (Van Rhynsdorp) (Ref: WC 2022/08/141), Pollsmoor (Medium A) (Ref: WC 2022/08/142), Pollsmoor ( Medium B) X 2 (Ref: WC 2022/08/143), Southern Cape (Oudtshoorn Community Corrections) X 2 (Ref: WC 2022/08/144), Southren Cape (Mosselbay) (Ref: WC 2022/08/145), West Coast (Medium A) (Ref: WC 2022/08/146), Goodwood (Ref: WC 2022/08/147)
Salary: R261 456 per annum
Requirements: Matric/Grade 12, Recognised BA Degree in Social Work and registration with the South African Council of Social Services Professions. These requirements are in accordance with the relevant Occupational Specific Dispensation. Computer literacy. Valid driver’s licence.
Competencies and attributes: Facilitation skills. Report writing. Presentation skill. Problem solving and decision-making. Interpersonal
relations. Policy implementation. Computer literacy. Conflict resolution. Communication skills. Typing skills. Training skills. Confidentiality.
Integrity and honest. Friendly and adaptability. Confident and independent. Accuracy. Ability to work under pressure. Ability long hours.
Responsibilities: Provide needs-based social work services to offenders through individual attention, group work and community work.
Conduct research and social work administration. Conduct individual assessments. Market social work services. Monitor and evaluate social work interventions. Provide guidance to subordinates and ensure that the requirements of operational plans are complied with.
Management of human resources, finances and assets.
• Western Cape Region: Breede River (Ref: WC 2022/08/173), Drakenstein x 2 (Ref: WC 2022/08/174)
Salary: R176 310 per annum
Requirements: Matric/Grade 12, Valid driver’s licence. Computer literate.
Competencies and Attributes: Facilitation skills. Report writing. Presentation skills. Problem solving and decision-making. Interpersonal relations. Policy implementation. Computer literacy. Conflict resolution. Communication skills. Typing skills. Training skills. Confidentiality. Integrity and hones. Friendly and adaptability. Confident and independent. Accuracy. Ability to work under pressure. Ability long hours.
Responsibilities: Execute logistical policies in the Management Area. Monitor and control incoming and outgoing stock. Administration of the warehouse, transit and fleet. Assets verification and logistical processes, asset reconciliations and inventory balancing. Reconcile BAS and LOGIS. Conduct logistical training. Manage human resources, finance and assets
• Western Cape Region: Overberg X2 (Ref: WC 2022/08/172)
Salary: (R176 310) per annum
Requirements: Matric/Grade 12 and Computer literate.
Competencies and attributes: Facilitation skills. Report writing. Presentation skills. Problem solving and decision-making. Interpersonal relations. Policy implementation. Computer literacy. Conflict resolution. Communication skills. Typing skills. Training skills. Confidentiality.
Integrity and hones. Friendly and adaptability. Confident and independent. Accuracy. Ability to work under pressure. Ability long hours.
Responsibilities: Manage the infrastructure for finance related practises. Plan activities. Ensure the correctness of documentation before data capturing. Receiving and filing of all captured documentation in line with policy. Management of human resources and assets
Closing date: 9TH SEPTEMBER 2022 @ 15:45
Note: •Before you apply: All costs associated with an application will be borne by the applicant. The Department of Correctional Services is an equal opportunity employer. The Department will take into consideration the objectives of Section 195 (1) (i) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996) and the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act 55 of 1998) in filling of these vacancies. It is our intention to promote representivity in respect of race, gender and disability through the filling of these positions. In support of this strategy, applicants need to indicate race, gender and disability status on the application form/CV. Applicants who have retired from the Public Service with a specific determination to take note that they cannot be re-appointed or have been declared medically unfit will not be considered.
Please take note that correspondence will only be conducted with the shortlisted candidates. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months of the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that your application is unsuccessful. Please do not call the department to enquire about the progress of your application.
Applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are shortlisted and that their appointment is subjected to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, security vetting and screening, qualification verification, and criminal records verification. Appointment to some of these posts will be provisional, pending the issue of a security clearance. If you cannot get a security clearance, your appointment will be re-considered/possibly terminated. Finger prints may be taken on the day of interviews.
The Department of Correctional Services reserves the right not to fill any of these advertised posts.
Applications: All Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form, (Public Service application form i.e effective 01 January 2021) obtainable from any Public Service Department and must be completed in full. Only a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, Identity Document and/or Driver’s Licence should be attached to your application form. Only Shortlisted Candidates will be required to submit certified copies not older than six (6) months of qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of the Interviews. Should an application be received using the incorrect application for employment form, Z83 it will be disqualified. Please note: Copies of Identity Document and/or Drivers Licence attached must be certified, to be a true copy of the original and not older than six (6) months. Please send a separate and complete application for each post you apply for, stating the correct reference number for each position you are interested in. Faxed and e-mailed applications will not be accepted. •Candidates must comply with the minimum appointment requirements.
• NB : Circular 19 of 2022 certifying documents /qualifications will be requested from only shortlisted candidates before interview process ( applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents when applying ) The relevant reference number must be qouted on the application form .In terms of the National Qaulification Framen work Amendment Act of 2019 ,it is an offience for any person to falsely or fraudulently claim to hold a qualification .Any person found to be misreperesenting their qualifications , work experience or facts in their CV’s will be disqualified and reported to the appropriate authority. It is the sole responsibility of an applicant to ensure that their application reaches DCS before 9TH SEPTEMBER 2022 at15:45.
Indicate the reference number and position you are applying for on your application form (Z83) and post your complete application to the address as indicated below:
For full details (Competencies, attributes and responsibilities) on the following positions. please visit our website at www.dcs.gov.za
(search on vacancies)
Western Cape Region
Postal Address: Regional Coordinator Human Resource and Support, Private Bag x 01, Edgemead, 7404
Contact person: Ms NA Mdladlamba / Ms A .Reddy at 021 550 6014/ 6052/ 6054/6059/6060
Physical Address: Breede River Street, Monte Vista, Edgemead