Elangeni Technical Vocation Education and Training is an Equal opportunity employer inviting applications from suitable experienced applicants for these permanent posts.
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Deputy Principal: Corporate Services, Elangeni TVET College, Private Bag X 9032 Pinetown 3610 or hand deliver to 15 Portsmouth Road, Pinetown (Mon-Fri 07:30 – 16:00)
CLOSING DATE : 15 July 2022 @ 13h00
SALARY : R321 543 per annum (Level 08)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Central Office
REQUIREMENTS : Recognised National Diploma (NQF 6) in Risk Management/ Internal Audit or
equivalent qualification. 3-5 years’ experience in Risk Fraud, Ethics and
Integrity Management or related field. Knowledge of the relevant prescripts,
legislation and regulations. Knowledge and understanding of the Risk Fraud,
Ethics and Integrity Management environment. Must have valid driver’s
DUTIES : Ensure overall supervision and facilitate the provision of risk management
services Identify risks at the College. Facilitate the strategic risk assessment.
Facilitate the operational risk assessment. Facilitate the process level risk
assessment. Compile risk register for strategic, operational and process level.
Provide Risk Management Report to College management and Risk
Management Committee on quarterly bases. Follow up on the implementation
of the mitigating action plans that were put in place to reduce the risk to an
acceptable level. Ensure overall supervision and facilitate the provision of fraud
and anticorruption services. Facilitate the development and maintenance of
internal anti-corruption system. Facilitate the Fraud/ Corruption risk
assessments. Conduct investigations on allegations of corruption. Ensure
overall supervision and facilitate the provision of ethics and integrity
management services Facilitate the promotion of the implementation of code of conduct e.g. remunerative work & gift register. Facilitate the promotion of
financial disclosure system. Ensure overall supervision and facilitate risk, fraud,
ethics and integrity management awareness and trainings Facilitate training,
workshops and awareness on risk, fraud, ethics and integrity management.
Supervise human, physical and financial resources.
ENQUIRES : MR NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 492 4363
SALARY : R261 372 per annum (Level 07)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Central Office
REQUIREMENTS : A grade 12 certificate, Recognized National Diploma in Public Management/
Information Management (NQF level 6) with 3-5 years’ experience in
clerical/administrative or equivalent qualification. Knowledge of registry duties,
practices as well as the ability to capture data, and operate computer.
Knowledge and understating of legislative framework governing the Public
Services. Knowledge of storage and retrieval procedures in terms of the
working environment. Understanding of the work in registry.
DUTIES : Supervise and Provide registry counter services. Supervise the handling
incoming and outgoing correspondence. Supervise and render an effective
filing and record management service. Supervise the operation and operate
office machines in relation to the registry function. Supervise the processing of
documents for archiving and/ disposal. Supervise Human Resource/staff.
ENQUIRIES : MR NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 492 4363
SALARY : R261 372 per annum (Level 07)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Qadi
REQUIREMENTS : A recognized National Diploma/Degree in Social Science / Psychology
/Education or equivalent relevant qualification. 2-3 years’ experience in student
support services Education/ Teaching and Learning environment or related
field. Proven knowledge of Public Sector. Knowledge of TVET environment.
Proven knowledge of Psychology practice. Teaching background.
Public Service legislative framework such as Public Service Act, Public
Service Regulations, PFMA, Treasury Regulations. Batho Pele principles.
DUTIES : Provide student liaison services at the Campus. Provide welfare support to
students by liaising between stakeholder/persons. Prepare weekly and
monthly reports. Assist students as and when required. Assist with academic
support plan for identified students. Attend to any student accommodation
needs. Guide students to make the right decision and improve their
performance. Ensure that there is continuous awareness and level of
knowledge in HIV/AIDS to students. Address socio-economic student matters
appropriately including substance and other relevant matters. Promote regular
attendance of students and monitor the attendance register. Conduct home
visits when necessary and interview/counsel students, staff, families and other
relevant stakeholders in order to identify contributing factors associated with
low attendance concerns. Support student, families by establishing and
delivering absence reduction programs.
ENQUIRIES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 4924363
SALARY : R176 310 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Central Office
Registration Services Ref No: HRM 82/2022
Academic Services Ref No: HRM 83/2022
REQUIREMENTS : A Grade 12 certificate (NQF Level 4) or equivalent. 1-2 years’ experience
human resource management/ public management/financial management
environment or equivalent field. Knowledge of Human Resource policies,
procedures and practices. Knowledge of establishment processes and
procedures. Basic knowledge of financial functions, practices as well as the
ability to capture data, operate computer and collate financial statistics. Basic
knowledge of the Public Service financial legislations, procedures and treasury
regulations (PFMA, DORA, PSA, PSR, PPPFA, Financial Manual). Knowledge
of basic financial operating systems (PERSAL, BAS, LOGIS etc. Understating
of legislative framework governing the Public Services.
DUTIES : Implement the post establishment in accordance with the College’s HR policies
and strategies. Capture new employees on the TVETMIS, MSS Coltech
system etc. Match and align employees on the establishment in accordance
with the approved structure of the College. Draw PERSAL Establishment for
auditing. Create PERSAL codes. Create Posts on Establishment. Ensure
reliable and accurate post class code and rank codes match. Ensure posts are
reserved correctly. Keep stats of vacancies as per Establishment. Maintain
employees’ information according to the determined norms and standards.
Monitor the 63% threshold in terms Compensation of Employees budget and
ensure the College complies with the 63% threshold. Provide monthly
establishment reports to the relevant units and stakeholders.
ENQUIRES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 492 4363
SALARY : R176 310 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Central Office
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 or relevant qualification.1-2 years Education/Teaching and Learning
Environment or related field. Basic knowledge of financial functions, practices
as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collate financial
statistics. Basic knowledge of the Public Service financial legislations,
procedures and Treasury Regulations (PFMA, DORA, PSA, PSR, PPPFA,
Financial Manual). Knowledge of basic financial operating systems (ITS etc.)
DUTIES : Assist with the coordination of bursary application processes. Assist with
Coordinating and monitoring of financial aid processes. Assist with analyzing
the NSFAS provisionally funded students. Assist with the coordination of
bursary allocations. Assist with the coordination of providing feedback to
students relating to the progress of the bursary process as communicated by
NSFAS. Assist in reporting on all bursary allocations and progress.
ENQUIRES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 4924363
SALARY : R176 310 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Mpumalanga Campus
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12. A recognised National Diploma (NQF 6) in Education/Administration
or equivalent qualification will be an added advantage .1-2 years’ in the
Teaching and Learning environment/ examination related field. Knowledge of
White Paper on PSET. Knowledge of the Public TVET sector and its regulatory
and legislative framework. Knowledge and understanding of the Higher
Education sector. Knowledge and understanding of COLTECH system,
TVETMIS, and ITS. Knowledge of practice notes, national, provincial policy
frameworks relevant to Education, Training and Development.
DUTIES : Assist with the coordination of internal and external examination assessment
Assist in coordinating training for Invigilators, Markers and Data Capturers.
Assist to facilitate examination and Irregularity Committee for the campus and
serve as a Secretariat. Assist to process application and issuing of certificates
services. Render administration support for the examination unit.
ENQUIRIES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 4924363
SALARY : R147 459 per annum (Level 04)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Inanda
REQUIREMENTS : NQF Leve 4 or 5 (Grade 12 certificate or equivalent) Minimum of 1 year
experience. Must be computer literacy. Knowledge of Department of Higher
Education mandate (TVET, CET and Skill Development). Knowledge of DHET
policies and business units. Knowledge of relevant legislation, prescripts,
policies and procedures.
DUTIES : Receive telephonic calls, messages and channel to relevant role players.
Welcome, receive and direct clients to relevant units. Provide relevant
information as required. Operate office equipment such as a fax machines and
photocopiers. Liaise with internal and external personnel. Maintain telephone
directory. Maintain and control visitors register at reception.
ENQUIRIES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 4924363
SALARY : R147 459 per annum (Level 04)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College:
Mpumalanga Ref No: HRM 87/2022
Ntuzuma Ref No: HRM 88/2022
KwaDabeka Ref No: HRM 89/2022
KwaMashu Ref No: HRM 90/2022
Inanda Ref No: HRM 91/2022
Qadi Ref No: HRM 92/2022
Ndwedw Ref No: HRM 93/2022
REQUIREMENTS : A grade 10 qualification/ standard 8 and valid code 08 drivers licence. 7-12
Months relevant experience Knowledge of relevant legislation, prescripts,
policies and procedures. Procedure for motor maintenance of motor vehicle.
Storage requirement. Messenger services. Routing office support i.e. registry.
Secondary function of making copies. Procedure to operate the motor.
Procedure to obtain trip authorization. Completion of log book of the motor
vehicle. Writing of fuel consumables. Writing of kilometers services.
DUTIES : Drive light and medium motor vehicles to transport passengers and deliver
other items (mail and documents). Do routine maintenance on the allocated
vehicle and report defects timely. Complete all the required and prescribed
records and logs books with regard to the vehicle and the goods handle.
Render a clerical support/massager service in the relevant office. This would,
inter alia, entail the following: Assist in the registry, copy and fax document,
collect and deliver documentation and related items in the department.
ENQUIRIES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 4924363
SALARY : R124 434 per annum (Level 03)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Central Office
Corporate Services Ref No: HRM 94/2022
Corporate Services Ref No: HRM 95/2022
REQUIREMENTS : 0-6 Months experience Semi Skilled Manual. Knowledge of infrastructure
maintenance. Knowledge of infrastructure policies. Knowledge of relevant
legislation, prescripts, policies and procedures.Knowledge of building laws.
Safe keeping of tools. Storage requirement.
DUTIES : Maintenance of office buildings. Conduct regular building inspections Attend to
minor electrical, plumbing and carpentry problems. Maintenance of office
equipment and furniture. Repair broken furniture and equipment Report
defects. Safekeeping of maintenance tools and supplies.
ENQUIRIES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 4924363
SALARY : R104 073 per annum (Level 02)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Central Office
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 8/ Basic Education (Below standard 8). No experience required.
Knowledge of repetitive tasks. Knowledge of facilities policies. Knowledge of
relevant legislation, prescripts, policies and procedures. Knowledge of
hygiene. Storage requirement.
DUTIES : Operate the photocopier machines: Make photocopies for staff. Report any
malfunctioning of photocopier machines. Keep records of photocopier machine
activities. Scanning of documents. Binding and laminating of documents:
Provide counter services: Receive the request form and documents. Contact
clients when documents are ready. Update the index. Attend to counter
queries. Perform minor maintenance on the photocopier machine: Arrange for
the servicing of and repair to the machines. Undertake the general
maintenance and cleaning of the machines. Make requisition for photocopying
materials: Ensure that photocopying materials and equipment’s are stored
away securely, Arrange for the re-ordering of copy papers, staples and toners.
ENQUIRIES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 0314924363